Monday, December 3, 2012


have you ever had your home broken into?  it happened to me for the first time last month...and i'm still haunted by it.  the state of the art alarm system on my house gave me a false sense of security.  my house is always locked...and my alarm activated when i leave the house...and that made me feel secure. until...the alarm was triggered on an outside door.  and then...another alarm was triggered on an inside door.  and because i receive push notifications on my smart phone about my alarms activities...all i could do was watch these incidents occur.  

from the time the first alarm was triggered until the police arrived at my home was fifteen minutes.  you don't really think of that as being a lot of time.  but it was long enough for all of my jewelry to be dresser drawers ransacked...and a few other items lifted and carried away in my own pillowcases.  

oddly...i stopped wearing all of my jewelry because one day...i added up the value of just how much jewelry i was wearing...and told myself i was just asking to be robbed.  never did i think it wouldn't be safe at home.  no...i didn't have a safe...and kept it all proudly displayed in three jewelry boxes on top of my dresser.  well...i may as well throw them away...because i will never use them again.  

i'm glad the police got there as soon as they did...but considering that there had been a break-in on my block an hour before mine...they should have been there sooner.  it all makes you want to take things into your own hands...but then...that's probably a case they'd solve and i'd be arrested.  

while i am totally upset about the things that were taken...i am grateful that we weren't home and were unharmed physically.  i've also gotten smarter about backing up my data...and having backups offsite.  things can be replaced...memories can't.  

how secure are you?  make sure you have photos of your valuables...and store copies of your data offsite.  

with the holidays quickly approaching...thieves are out in full aware of your surroundings...and stay safe!  

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl, you did a good thing by telling us about your experience. You know that I've been there, but we all need reminding. You've put out the reminder. Readers need to heed your warning. It will take a while but it will get better. It's hard to get that feeling of sanctuary at home when something likes this happens. You will though, it just takes time. Hang in there and go on with your life. Stuff is replaceable, life us not.
