Thursday, June 9, 2011

keep the change...

keep the change... by credd
keep the change..., a photo by credd on Flickr.
i tend to collect a LOT of change.

i have 3 or 4 coin purses...
and i can always find a couple of dollars worth in the bottom of my purse.

ms. piggy will now help me keep track of it all.

i'll give her all of my change each day...
and see how much i have at the end of the year.


when my daughter was around 8 or 9...
she asked her dad if she could have his change.
he said that she could...
and everyday when he came home from work...
she'd come into our room to collect it.

one summer...
she made her own coin wrappers...
and wrapped all of her accumulated wealth.

when i took her to the bank...
she had over $80.

she's still pretty savvy in the finance department...
and i've learned a lot from her about budgeting.


  1. Woohoo and Learnvest help me in that money savvy department! I gotta start collecting my change again :)

  2. @alecia...i must get back to learnvest again. after this post...your dad handed over his change that he keeps upstairs on the nightstand. :)

  3. What a great story. My dad was a great saver but he had little power to resist my mom Lol. That made him hide change from her all over the place. They were so funny.
