Thursday, June 16, 2011

roses are red & buggy...

roses are red..., a photo by credd on Flickr.
these are roses in my garden.
they grow in clusters.
this is a photo of two clusters...
with my fence as the background.

they LOOK beautiful...

they're full of pincher bugs!!!

i cut two bouquets...
put them in a vase...
and all of a sudden...
i start seeing pincher bugs.

luckily i hadn't taken them into the house...
and was doing all of this in the backyard.

i discovered a solution on ehow that i'm going to try tonight.
wish me luck.


  1. Good luck with that. I'm having problems with fruit flies in my garbage trying to eat up all of my veggie waste...only downside to a weekly CSA.

  2. Oh they were so pretty. Had to come by before going to bed. Darn bugs! We're just entering bug season in Wisconsin. Earwigs literally ran me out of the garden last year after getting in the apartment every time I opened the patio door. I'd never seen one before moving into this place. I refused to open it again the whole month of August and into the first week of September. Have they gotten in anything else? You have such a huge array of plants.
