Wednesday, February 6, 2013


037/365 by credd
037/365, a photo by credd on Flickr.

full of fingerprints flute...
with a bit of tarnishing...
and a touch of HDR...
but its still operational.

i got this flute forty-five years ago...
when i was in fifth grade.

i was in band class for a few years...
then i moved to japan.
we had no band classes there...
so i gave lessons to a ten year old...
that had just moved over there.

when i returned to the 'states'...
i enrolled in band classes again...
and thoroughly enjoyed my time in marching band...
and participating in parades.

the flute passes down to my daughter...
and she enrolls in band classes.

she and i were talking a couple of weeks ago...
and i discovered that her group of friends...
that she's had since elementary school...
were bandmates of hers.

my niece loves music.
perhaps she'll take an interest in it when she's older...
and it will play those beautifully, melodic sounds once more.

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